People (including me)
Sometimes I do things and sometimes they seem to be happy.
Sometimes I do alternative other things and sometimes they seem to be sad.
Sometimes they do things and sometimes I feel sad.
Sometimes they do other alternative things and sometimes I feel happy.
Sometimes I do things and sometimes they do things.
Sometimes I do other alternative things and sometimes they do alternative other things.
Sometimes the world seems to be this way and sometimes they seem to happy.
Sometimes the world seems to be that way and sometimes I feel sad.
And there might be some significant correlations.
But mostly I seem to feel surprised or confused.
Because many of the apparent correlations
Are not particularly reliable.
Which means they aren’t really correlations after all.
Some people seem to think that there are correlations.
Are they geniuses or fools?
Or neither.
And what should I do about it in either case anyway?
- Dr Thomas